
K.E.C. Senior Co-ed Intermediate competition report 2004

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 Senior Co-ed Intermediate
                KATZ ELITE Co-ed team had a very succesful year in 2004. We came first in Co-ed Intermediate at BCA Internationals in July.
                     B.C.A International Cheerleading Championships was the only competition KATZ ELITE Co-ed team entered in 2004, and we fought our way to a 1st place trophy!!!
                    This was the first time this squad ever got a first place at B.C.A Championships, and we went crazy when they announced us in first place!!!
                       2004 was a very succesful year for KATZ ELITE, with a 2nd place Senior Partner Stunt trophy to go alongside the 1st place one!!    
 B.C.A International Cheerleading Championships 2004: 1st place!