
Presentation Night 2007
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doing the presentation

2007 K.E.C Presentation Night
       On Saturday 31st March Katz Elite held a presentation night at Armley Sports Centre. Everything was a huge success, all our performances stuck and it was a massive turn out! The presentation carried on in the function room upstairs where everyone pigged out and got merry! hehe a good night! Our coach, Lisa Horner, presented the following trophys:
Most Improved Cheerleader:   Laura Hassett
Best Attitude Award            :  Rachael Abbey
Most Improved Newcomer   : Lily
Coache's Cheerleader            :  Nichola Horner
Cheerleader's Cheerleader     :   Nichola Horner
Lifetime of Cheerleading Award: Nichola Horner
                                                    Jade Seal
                                                    Nicola Sadler
                                                    Rachael Abbey
and we gave our own award to our Coach, presenting Lisa with flowers, chocolates £25 for a manicure and a big bottle of taboo! Thanks for a good night and all your hard work.
 Photos of the night to be added soon!



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